Our Board of Directors
Board Leadership
Co-Chairs: Steve & Wylda Cafferata | Tree Farmers of the Year, 2017
Chair-Elect: Darren Goodding
Secretary: Mary Chamness
Treasurer: Sue Zeni
Board Members
Tom Agens | Sustainable Forestry Initiative, State Implementation Committee liaison
Rick Barnes
Mike Barsotti | Society of American Forestry liaison
Parks Brigman | ATFS
Dave Bugni | Tree Farmer of the Year, 2022
Dick Courter | OTFS Memorial Fund
Gordon Culbertson | Tree Farmer of the Year, 2019
Pam & Jock Dalton | Tree Farmers of the Year, 2024
Ed Easterling | Tree Farmer of the Year, 2021
Dave Ehlers
Lauren Grand | OSU Extension
Kate McMichael | ODF Committee for Familiy Forestlands member
Jim Merzenich | Tree Farmer of the Year, 2023
Norm Michaels | Tree Farm Inspector of the Year, 2019
Steve Vaught | ODF Compliance Monitoring Committee member
Dave Wells | ODF Regional Forest Practice Committee (NW Oregon)
Board Members | Emeritus
Dick Beers
Clint Bentz | Advisory
Rex Storm | Advisory
OTFS Board Partners
Nate Agalzoff | ODF
Seth Barnes | OFIC
Holly Ober | OSU/FNR Extension
Austin Reimer | ODF
Carrie Spradlin | USFS
Amanda Sullivan-Astor | AOL
Gordon Culbertson, Rick Zenn | OSWA
Julie Woodward, Margaret Miller | OFRI
Working Groups
Certification | Leads: Steve Cafferata, Norm Michaels
Finance | Lead: Steve Cafferata
Governance | Lead: Wylda Cafferata
Landowner Journey | Leads: Lauren Grand, Kate McMichael
Recognition | Lead: Rick Barnes