Oregon Tree Farm System
Impacting the world by making Oregon a better place, one acre at a time

Who are
Tree Farmers?
We are private forest landowners
who are passionate about our forests.
We want to sustain all the benefits
our forests provide.
The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) is a program built with a nationwide network of landowners, foresters, and volunteers. The Oregon chapter of ATFS is OTFS:
the Oregon Tree Farm System.
We are a family forest landowner-run national organization
with state chapters that certify forest landowners
according to a set of strict internationally recognized standards.
Those rigorous standards reflect the ATFS values of
wood, water, wildlife and recreation.
Participation in the Tree Farm program affords landowners with local, regional, and national opportunities for education, outreach, and networking.
Landowners and foresters are recognized at all levels with awards for their accomplishments and participation in the program.
Tree Farm-certified landowners go well beyond growing trees; they sequester carbon and grow biodiverse forests
that sustainably produce trees to support the needs of people, wildlife, and the environment.