Keeping Forests
as Forests
For our families today
and into the future

The Oregon Tree Farm System is a non-profit organization affiliated with the American Tree Farm System and American Forest Foundation.
Our purpose is to help family forest landowners manage their lands with the goals of conserving forests, water, and wildlife while promoting natural resources based recreational opportunities.
We recognize and celebrate OTFS members that exemplify sustainable forest management.
We support the responsible harvesting of renewable natural resources and the Oregon Wood Products Industry.
The Tree Farm System is the oldest forestry certifying entity; it is the only such entity that does not charge member fees.
If you have 10 acres or more of land that is forested or capable of supporting trees, you can become a member of the Oregon Tree Farm System, Inc.

At the state and local levels, the ATFS program is implemented by volunteer committees and partners. Nationwide, there are about 70,000 landowners, affectionately known as “Tree Farmers,” of whom about 1,100 live in Oregon.
The objectives of landowners in the program are quite diverse, ranging from maintaining wildlife habitat and participating in recreational activities to growing trees to produce wood products. Landowners share a deep connection to their land and want to keep it in good health and manage it sustainably.

Your forestland is a part of your family’s legacy. You’ve worked hard to ensure that your family can continue to enjoy the many benefits that come with woodland ownership. Our programs and other benefits will help you achieve your goals. The contributions you are making, along with other woodland owners, are important to conserving America’s forests.

Inventory of the American Tree Farm Records | 1924-2007
On June 12, 1941, the first official tree farm was dedicated near Elma, Washington. The Clemons Tree Farm, owned by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company and named for local logger Charles H. Clemons, became the first in a succession of privately owned forest lands certified for growing trees as a crop and practicing forest management in lieu of federal regulations. During the 1940s timberland certified for tree farming was primarily owned by large industrial firms in the West, but as the movement gained momentum and spread to the South, the participation of small landowners became a focus for outreach and growth, and provided the foundation for a nationwide organization. Currently, the American Tree Farm System estimates that more than 88,000 private landowners managing approximately 26 million acres of forest land are in the program.

The American Forest
Unlocking the potential of America's family-owned forests
The American Forest Foundation is a national conservation organization that works to empower family forest owners to make a meaningful conservation impact on their land.
The mission of the American Forest Foundation is to deliver meaningful conservation impact through the empowerment of family forest owners. Working together, AFF strives to cultivate the many conservation benefits family-owned forests provide—and demonstrate their value to American communities, companies and landowners alike.

Oregon Small Woodlands
Working to see privately owned woodlands a thriving part of Oregon's landscape
Stewardship | Advocacy
Fellowship | Education
These touchstones of the Oregon Small Woodlands Association animate its working relationship with OTFS. OSWA is a membership-based, statewide
organization of small woodland owners who practice and believe in: the strength of a unified effort to address legislative and regulatory challenges; the strength of peer to peer communication between landowners; and the strength of partnerships in addressing and solving common problems. OSWA members own from 1-5000 acres and share a common interest in resilient forests and a vibrant forest sector. Although the organizations are distinct in membership and mission, many OSWA members also belong to OTFS and vice versa.

Keep Oregon
Keeping Oregon green since 1941
For 80 years the Keep Oregon Green Association has been educating the public on how to prevent wildfires. Beginning its efforts in April of 1941, after public outcry over the human-caused Tillamook Burns, roughly 250 Oregon leaders came together to form a Keep Oregon Green Association. KOG’s mission is to promote healthy landscapes and safe communities by educating the public of everyone's shared responsibility to prevent human-caused wildfires.